The field club studies all aspects of natural history including plants, insects, mammals, birds and geology.
Its weekly summer outings are for observation and recording, as well as for general enjoyment of the countryside and are reported at regular indoor meetings. Please see Summer Programme for meeting venue and time.
From October to April, indoor meetings, with talks by visiting speakers, are held at the Sixth Form College almost every Wednesday evening. Meetings commence at 7.30pm and finish at approx. 9.00pm
In joining our club you will be supporting the work we do in recording and helping to look after the nature in the Darlington and Teesdale area. As a member you can take a full part in the activities of the club attending indoor lectures and meetings, outdoor walks and outings and coach trips etc, to see and learn about various aspects of natural history. Membership is only £15 per year and you can now join online, (it’s simple) this will give you full access to all events and information. Join Now.
OR To join the club
Contact the Membership Secretary, Fleur Miles 01325 281724
Annual Subscription, Membership £15.00
Visitors are very welcome
To meetings or club outings ( check the programme for details)
Suggested donations at meetings: Members or Visitors £1.00
Our members, young, old, knowledgeable, or beginner all have one thing in common: a love of, and curiosity about, the natural world around us.