- The Club shall be called “The Darlington & Teesdale Naturalists’ Field Club” and shall have
for its objectives:
- the study of all branches of Natural History, Geology and Archaeology
- the collection of information concerning the topography, fieldpaths and natural and archaeological features of the Darlington district and Teesdale including the compilation of lists of the recent and fossil fauna and flora
- the preservation of the characteristic plants and animals of the district and their habitats
- the dissemination of information to other interested organisations and the general public
- the further education of members and the general public in all aspects of Natural History
- The Honorary Officers of the Club shall be a President, President-elect, Past President, General Secretary and other Secretaries, Treasurer, Editor, Curator, Winter and Summer Programme Secretaries and sectional Organisers, who, with two other members of the Club, shall form the Council (seven to be a quorum). The Officers and other members of Council shall resign annually and shall be eligible for re-election. Members who do not attend Council meetings or Club meetings regularly, unless prevented by ill-health or other exceptional circumstances, shall not be eligible for re-nomination as Officers of Council, Leaders or Representatives.
- The Club in General Meeting shall determine the general policy governing the work of the Club and its finances. A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Club and cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other authorised member of Council.
- The Council:
- shall carry on the work of the Club in accordance with the policy of the Club in General meeting
- shall make arrangements for the Annual General Meeting
- may appoint sub-committees as it may deem expedient, but not delegate its responsibilities to a sub-committee, provided always that the actions and proceedings of any such sub-committee, or persons referred to in any way, shall be fully and promptly reported to the Council
- shall have the power to fill any casual vacancies which may arise on Officers or Council and co-opt members as required
- shall have the power to co-opt any member of the Club to Council , as required, subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting.
- shall maintain the Club’s policies with regard to current Legislation on Health and Safety, Equality & Discrimination, Child Protection, Vulnerable Adults, and such further Legislation as may be enacted.
- The Council is empowered to incur from the available funds of the Club such reasonable expenditure as it may deem to be necessary for its work. Any surplus funds which may accrue may be expended as it may deem to be necessary for its work. Any surplus fund which may accrue may be expended, either wholly or in part, for the advancement of the objectives of the Club, as determined by a General Meeting.
- The non-financial assets of the Club, namely records, specimens, books and equipment etc shall be supervised by the Curator and an asset list maintained.
- There shall be an Annual General Meeting in February , at which the following business shall be transacted:
- Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting to be read
- Report of the Council for the past year, together with the Financial Statement and Balance Sheet, duly audited, to be presented
- Election of President, President-elect, Officers and other members of Council for the ensuing year , nominations for which (with the consent of the nominees and their names of their proposers and seconders) shall be in the Secretary’s hands, in writing, at least four weeks prior to the date of the AGM.
- Election of Honorary Members if any.
- Any special business of which not less than one month’s notice, in writing, has been given to the Secretary.
- At a General Meeting each member shall have one vote. Voting shall be by showing of hands unless a ballot is demanded by not less than two thirds of members present. In the event of an equal vote the President shall have a casting vote.
- No business shall be conducted at a General Meeting unless a Quorum of ten members is personally present.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called at any time by the President or by the Council or on a requisition signed by not less than ten members.
- The following classes of members shall be admitted:
- Ordinary member
- Full time Student member. The minimum age for Ordinary and Student members is 16. Young people between the ages of 16 and 18 should have written permission from a parent or guardian if they wish to attend outings and those under 16 should be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Honorary member, nominated by Council and elected by a majority of members at an Annual General Meeting.
- Annual subscriptions shall be paid on the 1st October annually or on the date when new members join, except that after 1st April the subscription shall be half the annual subscription.
- Members wishing to resign shall give written notice of their intention to the Membership Secretary.
- The financial year will run from 1st January to 31st December.
- Membership and other fees shall be reviewed by the Council and recommendations put to the members at a General Meeting prior to the end of the financial year.
- A member whose subscription is in arrears shall have no power of voting at any meeting. The Membership Secretary shall remove from membership any member whose subscription is in arrears on 31st December, provided that application for payment has been made prior to that date.
- The Council shall arrange regular lectures, field meetings and events, the precise dates of which shall be shown on a programme.
- Members and non-members will be asked to make a donation at each lecture attended.
- Since the loss of the Club’s storage facility various items of retained equipment and books are stored by various Club members. A list of equipment and books stored in this way is held and updated as necessary by the Curator or Secretary. All such items remain the property of the Club and may be borrowed by any member by contacting the Curator or Secretary.
- The Constitution of the Club shall only be altered at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. There shall be no alteration to the Constitution which will cause the Charity to cease to be charitable at law. Not less than one month’s notice in writing of the terms of any proposed alteration must be given to the Secretary.
- The dissolution of the Charity shall only take place at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. In the event of the Club being wound up any assets remaining upon dissolution after the payment of proper debts and liabilities shall be transferred to a charitable institution(s) having objects similar to those of the Darlington & Teesdale Naturalists’ Field Club.
- The Club shall be an Institution within the meaning of the Literary and Scientific Institutions Act 1854.