Category Archives: Reports

Visit to Whitbarrow Scar, near Grange-over-Sands

26 th July 2022 Four of us (Fleur Miles, Steve Gater, Derek Risbey and David Selby) left the Darlington drizzletraveling west where we were welcomed to the sunny skies of Cumbria above Tebay.Travelling further down the M6 and then towards Grange-over-Sands we parked near thehamlet of Mill Side. As we set out to climb the […]

Hell Kettles

Hell Kettles 21 st of June 2022 was the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere and our club members werewalking, recording flora and fauna in the Hell Kettles. Famous botanists of Darlington, StephenRobson (1777), Dr.R.Taylor Manson (1884), J.B.Nicholson (! 929) visited and recorded plants atHell Kettles. There were two theories about the origins of these […]

Muker Meadows

Eleven members visited Muker on a pleasant sunny day.  Muker is an interesting village in Swaledale and takes its name from the Old Norse “Mjor-akr” which means narrow acre.      The Church of St. Mary the Virgin dates back to 1580. There is a long history behind the Swaledale Woollen industry when the knitting of stockings […]